Accounting Office, Bookkeeping Office, Accounting, Accounting Services in Poland, Questions and Answers Part 4

How to Find an Affordable and Good Accounting Office in Poland?

An affordable accounting office does not necessarily mean a bad one, so the question is indeed quite pertinent. However, it is not simple and usually requires great caution. Many accounting offices in Poland may appear to be “affordable,” and they often advertise themselves as such, but this does not always reflect reality. Many accounting offices in Poland have hidden price lists, or additional service fees. While the flat rate for accounting services is low and highly competitive, it often turns out in practice that Polish accounting offices charge additional fees for many “extra” services not covered by the monthly flat fee. Therefore, it is always worth checking whether there are any additional fees, and if so, for what and how high they are. In such cases, it is worth determining the total monthly amount for accounting services. This does not mean that all Polish offices that advertise themselves as “affordable” or charge low fees for their accounting services are not actually affordable. In such cases, it is also worth verifying the office, who provides the accounting services, what experience they have, etc. Affordable does not mean a bad accounting office. However, it is worth verifying such an office in terms of both the quality and reliability of the accounting services provided and the final, total monthly price to be paid.

Do Accounting Offices in Poland Provide HR and Payroll Services?

Polish accounting offices usually provide HR and payroll services in addition to accounting services. Such offices employ both accountants and HR and payroll specialists.

What Services Do Polish Accounting Offices Provide?

Accounting offices in Poland often simultaneously provide both accounting and HR and payroll services. In terms of accounting services, Polish accounting offices typically offer the following:

– Maintaining revenue and expense ledgers

– Maintaining commercial books

– Maintaining fixed asset records

– Maintaining VAT records and preparing VAT returns

– Calculating tax liabilities

– Preparing CIT, PIT tax returns

– Preparing reports for GUS and NBP

– Preparing annual financial statements

– Developing and preparing financial (accounting) reports for the management/owners

– Accounting consultations

– Handling audits and tax inspections

– Representing clients before tax authorities

– Reviewing and analyzing contracts and other source documents for tax implications

– Settling grants and other forms of external funding, including EU funds

– Support in the process of obtaining financing (grants, subsidies, loans, credits, others)

HR and payroll services provided by Polish accounting offices typically include:

– Maintaining HR documentation

– Preparing employment contracts

– Preparing termination of employment agreements

– Issuing work certificates

– Preparing payrolls

– Preparing civil law contracts

– Settling personal income tax

– Preparing tax returns

– Preparing ZUS declarations

– Representing clients before ZUS

What Does a Certified Polish Accounting Office Mean?

Recently, there have been advertisements in Poland suggesting that it is possible to obtain some sort of accounting certification for a Polish accounting office. However, it should be noted that this is not an official Polish certification or one grounded in Polish legal regulations, but a completely private certification, issued by a private entity. There is no prohibition on issuing such certificates in Poland; any Polish entity, company, or even private individual can issue such an accounting certificate according to criteria and procedures they define themselves. Such a certificate, in this case an “accounting certificate,” has no legal force as it is not based on Polish legal regulations. It is a completely private certificate. It should be noted that until 2014, the Polish Minister of Finance issued certificates for accountants authorizing them to provide accounting services. Since 2014, such certificates are no longer issued by the Polish Minister of Finance, but previously issued certificates remain valid. Advertisements suggesting the possibility of obtaining an accounting certificate for Polish accounting offices can therefore be misleading. These private certificates have nothing to do with the certificates issued to accountants by the Polish Minister of Finance until 2014.

Is a Polish Accounting Office and a Polish Bookkeeping Office the Same Thing?

An accounting office in Poland is simply another name for a bookkeeping office. Entities providing accounting services in Poland and usually also HR and payroll services use various names. It can be an accounting office, a bookkeeping office, and sometimes such offices use fancy names or the owner’s surname (in the case of sole proprietorship or partnerships) adding the term accounting office or bookkeeping office for better identification. Accounting offices in Poland can operate in various organizational and legal forms, from sole proprietorships, through civil partnerships, personal commercial law companies, to capital companies. Therefore, an accounting office in Poland is the same as a bookkeeping office, regardless of the organizational and legal form in which it operates.

Our Polish accounting office operates under the name PRWT Accounting and Business Services LLC We have two offices, the main one in Kraków and another in Warsaw. Feel free to contact us.

Accounting Office / Accounting Kraków

PHONE: +48 12 345 21 06

Accounting Office / Accounting Warsaw

PHONE: +48 22 292 47 21

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