Can we hire a Spanish student who is an student exchange in Poland? The question of employing foreign students will appear very often among the clients of our PRWT accounting office.
The main issue that should be remembered in this case is to check the regulations on the student’s employment in the context of the country he comes from. In the case of countries that are members of the European Union, there are basically no major problems with employment. We have the same rules apply to the employment of citizens of our country.
The issue that requires our attention as an employer will be obtaining a PESEL number by a foreigner. While at the stage of entering into an employment relationship we do not need such data, such an obligation will arise already at the stage of performing activities related to the employment relationship with the Social Insurance Institution or the Tax Office. A foreigner should therefore apply for a PESEL number in Poland. The very procedure of obtaining a PESEL number is not complicated and time-consuming.
Zatrudniając osobę, która z założenia przez krótki okres (wymiany studenckiej) będzie przebywała w Polsce warto również zwrócić uwagę na rodzaj zawieranej umowy o pracę.
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