Today, foreign delegations of workers are commonly used. Among the numerous issues and doubts related to this subject, one of the clients of our PRWT accounting office presented a very interesting and practical situation: From May 2 to 5, one of our client’s employees will be on a foreign delegation. In Poland, at that time, it May 3 will be a statutory public holiday. In such a case, will an employee who will be staying and working abroad on May 3 (where this day is not a public holiday) be entitled to a day off in exchange for the May 3 holiday celebrated in Poland?
Yes, an employee performing work abroad on a public holiday in Poland retains the right to another day off pursuant to Art. 15111 par. 1 point 2 of the Polish Labour Code. In this case, it does not matter whether a day that is a public holiday in Poland is also considered a holiday in the country where the employee employed by the Polish employer resides.
As every year, on January 1, a number of ...
Recently, clients of our accounting office have been asking us questions ...